

Sunday, August 15, 2010

Kemerdekaan Indonesia

Suasana pembacaan Proklamasi NKRI.
Jumat, 17 Agustus 1945.
Indonesia diproklamirkan MERDEKA oleh Presiden Pertama RI yaitu Soekarno bersama Wapres RI Pertama, Moechammad Hatta, pada tahun 1945. Tepatnya pada hari Jumat, 17 Agustus 1945. Konon, tanggal dan hari tersebut bertepatan juga dengan sistem penanggalan Islam yakni: Jumat, 10 Ramadhan 1364 Hijriyah. Di mana, pada 10 hari pertama bulan Ramadhan adalah hari-hari pengampunan dan pembebasan dari dosa. Maka, Maha  Besar Alloh yang telah memerdekakan hamba-hambaNya dari penjajahan besar yang tiada terperi pengorbanan para Pahlawan selama 3,5 abad lamanya (350 tahun).

Logo resmi 65 tahun NKRI.
Sekarang Indonesia sudah 65 tahun MERDEKA, seharusnya, di usia yang mapan ini  Indonesia sudah menjadi negara yang makmur. Namun, lihatlah pada kenyataan Indonesia sekarang. Jawabannya ada pada diri Anda masing-masing.

Melihat pada perjuangan dan pengorbanan para founding father NKRI, tentunya sebagai anak bangsa kita wajib meniru kegigihan mereka dalam membela NKRI. Tidak seperti mereka yang korup…. Para pendahulu kita, mereka rela berkorban harta dan nyawa untuk mempertahankan kehormatan Bangsa, tanpa pamrih. Pada konteks hari ini, masih adakah anak bangsa yang berjiwa seperti mereka Para Pahlawan?.

Teks otentik Proklamasi tulisan tangan Bung Karno.
Ada hikmah yang dapat kita lihat dari filosofi tanggal kemerdekaan di atas: atas berkat Rahmat Alloh SWT, Indonesia MERDEKA pada tanggal tersebut yang bertepatan dengan tanggal 10 Ramadhan 1364 H. Artinya, Indonesia lahir kembali sebagai bangsa yang BARU dan MERDEKA. Mereka yang berkorban nyawa, SYAHID sebagai Pejuang Kemerdekaan, dan kita sebagai anak bangsa ‘diperintahkan’ untuk menjaga KEMERDEKAAN INDONESIA, sebagaimana ayat diwajibkannya berpuasa, agar kita menjadi orang yang Taqwa (kuat mental, jasmani dan ruhani).

Sekarang, kemerdekaan itu telah kita dapatkan, tinggal bagaimana kita menjaga KEMERDEKAAN INDONESIA dengan mengisi hari-hari dengan hal yang positif untuk kemajuan bangsa. Sebagai pelajar, kita belajar dengan tekun demi masa depan lebih cerah. Sebagai guru, kita ditiru dan digugu, memberikan Ilmu yang kita miliki untuk anak didik kita sebagai bekal mereka meraih impian di masa datang. Sebagai pemerintah, kita wajib menjalankan amanah rakyat dengan benar, jujur dan adil, kepemimpinan kita akan kita pertanggung jawabkan kelak di hari pembalasan. Sebagai pekerja, kita bekerja dengan ikhlas demi kemajuan dan kesejahteraan hidup. SEMUA, kita wajib saling dukung dan memahami tugas dan tanggung jawab masing-masing.

 Dirgahayu Indonesiaku, Kita Bisa…. MERDEKA!!! 

my publish original by:
Owner of (MARC)

Monday, August 2, 2010

The easiest way to translate texts / documents

The easiest way to translate texts / documents:

First, go to and then click on the link "translation" provided by Google. Next you will be entered on the page "GoogleTranslate", as below:


Second, star action, type words into the text field provided or you can upload your document to be translated. Previously, first set of what language to what language would you translate the document. Example:

Done. Now you can see the translation below. Very easy is not it?!. Translate your documents into any language with ease. Google for all ....

Here are the results of the process that I did:

Additional: This post was typed and translated directly using GoogleTranslate.

my publish original by:
Owner of (MARC)

Sunday, June 13, 2010

Bored with old stuff, need some think new ... try PeopleString !!! (#2)

Step by step become a member of PeopleString:

1st.  Click here. You will be taken to the following websites:

2nd.  Click sign up now. You will be taken to a page:

3rd.  Enter your "user name" and then click the check availability button. When your "user name" are received, you will go on site to sign up;

4th.  Click sign up to join the next page.
5th.  Fill in the form provided and follow the instructions.

my publish original by:
Owner of (MARC)

Sunday, June 6, 2010

Borred with old stuff, need some think new ... try PeopleString !!! (#1)

About PeopleString

PeopleString 'Where You Own The Web'. It is the new wave in relationship and social communities; it has the Creativity, Culture, Expressive Forums and places to meet new people and network; but now it combines all that with giving you a share in the revenues that are created by the users of the website.

The 'other' social sites keep all of the money for Indonesia Hari Jadi Kabupaten and never give any to their users. They are making millions off of your actions and keeping it all. PeopleString shares the revenues that are generated by its members. This is unique for online social communities. Who other than its members PeopleString Gives back 70% of the revenues? ( Find Out More )

What you can get from PeopleString

As already explained above, this is the real benefit PeopleString given to its members:

1. You get $ 1.53 directly after you complete your registration
2. You get $ 0.50 for every friend that you bring together
3. and more ... Click Here

my publish original by:
Owner of (MARC)

Tuesday, June 1, 2010

How To Make Money Online - Common Questions - Part 1

Author: H. Miller

How Do I Get Started

One of the most common questions asked when it comes to making money online is how do I get started. Everyone wants to know the first step they must take in order to start making money. The first thing I always tell any newbie is to figure out which way they want to make money online and then stick with it. You see, when you start doing your research and signing up for various email lists for more information, you will be bombarded with hundreds of different ways you can go about making money online.

If you haven't decided which path you want to take, you will jump off course every single time a new idea or method is mentioned to you. So the first thing you should do is sit down and figure out the method you want to use to make money online. My preferred method is affiliate marketing. I like affiliate marketing because I don't have to worry about product creation or customer service issues. All of that is handled by the merchant. All I have to do is generate traffic and try to make sales. Anytime I refer a sale, I will get a commission.

If you are newbie, affiliate marketing is probably the easiest way to get started with making money online. It will eliminate the huge learning curve that comes with most other methods of making money online. Just head over to clickbank and sign up. They are the biggest, and best, affiliate network out there. They have a huge selection of digital products that you can choose to promote. Most vendors provide some sort of material that you can use to help promote the product. If you get out there and be aggressive, you will have no problem making sales.

To learn more about making money online visit now.

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About the Author:

Republish by:
Andi for myadreviewcamp

Step By Step System To Building an Online Business

Author: MichaelG

I know this is stating the obvious, but I have to say it. It takes time, lots of work, and being both persistent and consistent. Starting an internet business is the same, no different, to any other business in that it requires an investment on your part to get it up and running. The positive side of online business is that it takes a lot less time and money than most traditional offline business models.

Nowadays, nearly all internet marketers are becomming frustrated and disappointed because  they don't seem to get the desired number of traffic to their websites though they try very hard. Generally speaking, getting traffic to any web site is not a hard task. What you need to do primarily is to follow some simply rules and strategies that would help you get huge amount of traffic to your web site.

There is a procedure to making money online. And it starts with knowing how to build a list. This is one of the greatest Internet Marketing tips I can give you. A lot of online marketers include 'luck' their business strategy. "I wish someone will purchase..." "Maybe I'll be fortunate..."

Come on! Who wants to run a venture like that? There is no good luck considered necessary to receive money online. This is how to achieve money online. You will receive money by building a list of potential customers interested in a specific area of interest nurturing a relationship with this list before introducing your list to associated products you know they will be interested in. By far the majority of website owners are too busy wanting to create money right away that they fail to remember this. Or else choose to ignore it.

The majority of website owners do not comprehend how imperative building a list is. Imagine you went into a department store and the sales assistant was right away, straight in your face screaming 'buy this, buy, that!' You'd leave without purchasing wouldn't you? . And so you ought to. It's exactly the same for a web business. This is a store simply online. I hope suddenly you are starting to see this. Many do not. When you initially started dating you got to know each other first, learned about each other. Building a online business is the same.

Seduce your visitors! Make them feel special. Astound them. Answer back to their emails. Offer a wonderful free gift as an incentive to persuade them to join your list of buyers. Does it take additional work? Sure. But not that much. A small number of weeks, may be a month at the most part. You don't need any magical Internet Marketing tips if you consider individuals as individuals - not cyber credit cards.

Not so long ago I was introduced to Chris Farrells membership site. Chris went online for the first time - in February 2008. Inside 6 months Chris was having many $250/days. Inside 9 months Chris had his initial $1000/days. Chris is now a full time Internet Marketer, Product Developer, Writer and Broadcaster working from his home in Beverly Hills, California. Chris's products have at this time helped over 16,000+ newcomers (and rising) successfully start their own web business. Chris is a great believer in teaching the 'process' to start with.

So many people who try online marketing  fail as they do not know step-by-step what to actually do.

Article Source:

Republish by
Andi for myadreviewcamp